Branch Study and Activity Groups in the Santa Cruz Area


Our culture is still dominated by a Knowing (Science) that believes it can only really know the material world.


Goethean Science shows with crystal clarity how we can know the consciousness we’re living in and transcend it.


The Goethean Science Study Group, having recently complete The Light Course by Rudolf Steiner, is moving into a more directly spiritual-scientific domain in pursuit of an esoteric study of the nature of matter (among other things) through a study of the lecture-cycle The World of the Senses and The World of the Spirit.

DATES: The study group  takes place at 7:15 PM on the second and fourth Mondays of each month.  During the pandemic, the study group is conducted using zoom.

LOCATION: 120 Kenneth Street. Open to everybody.

CONTACT: David Eyes at 831-419-5581 or use this contact form.


The Santa Cruz Sophia group was initiated in the early part of the 21st century from an impulse derived from a conference in Los Angeles at which Joya and Luigi Morelli met several members of local branches (Los Angeles and San Diego) who had been exploring Rudolf Steiner’s views on the reality, development and fostering of Anthroposophia and the Divine Feminine which he felt was so important to connect with in our epoch. The next year both Daniel Bittleston and JoyaBirns presented at larger LA conference on this theme.


This included studies of Ancient Mystery Streams as well as modern Western Esotericism. Elizabeth Sevison, from San Diego Branch gave Joya her inspired verse for our group to support this important aspect of Spiritual Science, up until that time mostly overlooked worldwide. Much of our Sophia Group study has been lectures and books written by Rudolf Steiner but also works from other anthroposophists as well as non anthroposophists. We’ve derived inspiration from the likes of Mannfred Schmit Brabant, Virginia Sease, Joan Almon and Joan Allen, all who have visited in Santa Cruz over the years. Joan Allen personally visited our Sophia Group, kindly sharing with us her 40-year struggles with the Foundation Stone (which we were studying at the time).


Since the early 2000s we have met and studied many lecture series, books, musical, historical and artistic influences, sometimes incorporating artistic activities for ourselves. Members are few but committed and we meet twice monthly (Thursday mornings) at Joya’s home on the westside of SC.

During the past year we studied “The Sun Mysteries” and are now finishing up with “The Spiritual Guidance of the Individual and Humanity”. Next looking at “Evil” (a compilation of lectures by RS).


Contact: Lynnet McDermott at 831-239-7644  or email:


“I would enkindle everyone from out the spirit of the cosmos that they become a flame and unfold in fire their being’s very nature.”    ~Rudolf Steiner

Transform your life into one that you love living

Becoming Free is a full time, in person Foundation Course for young adults. Based in the Santa Cruz mountains, this program brings Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual insights alive in practical life in order to help you uncover your true, selfless, creative self. Through the six basic exercises given by Rudolf Steiner and the study of what it is to be Human, participants will awaken their Thinking, purify their Feelings and transform their deeds into free Will. Participants will be guided in creating a community environment in which they can take hold of their past to create their own future. By the end of the course participants will have developed the basic skills to create a life that they love and pursue their destiny.

Each day participants practice overcoming themselves through activities like

8:30-9:30 Therapeutic Movement: Walking, Running, Balance beam, Trampoline, Tumbling, Games, Eurythmy, Bothmer Gymnastics, Swimming, Backpacking

9:30-11 Study: Rudolf Steiner, Viktor Frankl, Jordan Peterson, Samaa Habib, David Goggins, Lorna Byrne, Wim Hoff, Frank Chester, Robyn Brown, and others

11:30-1 Arts: Drawing, Painting, Clay Modeling, Handwork, Theater, Puppetry, Speech Formation, Eurythmy, and Singing

3-5 Practical Work: Caring for meadows and forests, Milling trees into lumber, Designing and Building shelter, Animal Care, Growing Food, Food Preservation, Meal Planning and Preparation

 Classes are held Monday through Friday. Individual classes or days may be audited.


The year begins August 24th with Seeking and Exploring Truth, a workshop with visiting mentor Ian Bass and a 4-day backpacking trip in the California Wilderness. (August 24 to 31 may be attended as a “taster” for those who want to know more about the program before signing up.)

We welcome your questions and inspirations,

Lilith and Sebastien Dupuis


This study group began in September 2024 with an intention to explore Dr. Ben-Aharon’s recent book, THE TIME IS AT HAND! As we have been delving deeply into this book a number of related topics have arisen which we also are exploring, including: the book of Revelation and Steiner’s 1924 lectures to the Christian Community priests; the future of humanity vis-a-vis the rise of Ahriman and  the growing pervasiveness of technology; the reappearance of Christ in the etheric; the descent of Christ into the interior of the earth; and the various manifestations of evil in our time. 

Dr. Jesaiah Ben-Aharon, spiritual scientist, philosopher, and social activist, is the founder of the Anthroposophical community of Harduf in Israel, co-founder of the Global Network for Social Threefolding, Director of the Global Event College and contributor to the School of Spiritual Science.  He is the author of many significant books on Anthroposophy and the current course of evolution, including Cognitive Yoga, Spiritual Science in the 21st Century and The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity.  For more information about Dr. Ben-Aharon see:

We meet two Fridays per month, from 9:30 am to 10:45 in Soquel.  If you are interested in joining us, please contact Cindy Brooks at 831-425-3168 (not a cell phone).  


The Movement for Religious Renewal

For information on the activity of the Christian Community in Santa Cruz, please contact